About us

On Saturday the 19th of December 2020, the world’s first Giacomo Meyerbeer Society was founded under the patronage of the artistic director of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Dietmar Schwarz.

We see it as our responsibility to keep the memory of the most successful and outstanding composers of the 19th century alive. We are interested in his extensive oeuvre and the visualization of the importance of the Beer and Meyerbeer families for German and European cultural history.

In our intensive national and international collaboration with renowned artists, scientists, and Meyerbeer researchers, we continue to approach the life and work of Meyerbeer.

We offer lectures, concerts, joint visits to the opera, introductions to selected compositions, exhibitions, excursions and city walks to follow in the footsteps of Meyerbeer and his family.

Giacomo Meyerbeer was deeply rooted in his religion, but at the same time a religious free spirit. He and his family saw themselves as enlightened, liberal Jews at a time when a religious movement of the same name did not yet exist. We too look forward to this intercultural exchange in the spirit of Meyerbeer.

An extensive specialist library and a worthy monument to Giacomo Meyerbeer in Berlin are two of our next goals.

Those who are committed to Meyerbeer give themselves the greatest gift!
